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Did you know that your bones are constantly breaking down and rebuilding throughout your entire lifespan? People often think that bones only grow when they are younger...

Acupuncture & Allergic rhinitis


Recent studies have found that more than 37 million Americans live with diabetes. Not only is diabetes a risk factor for heart attacks, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and kidney cancer, it also can cause nerve damage, hearing...

Chinese herbal medicine for hot flashes

Repetitive motions like typing, driving, or playing an instrument create stress on your hands and wrist. These motions can damage muscles, tendons, and nerves required to use these extremities...

Acupuncture and Back Pain

One in every four adults in the United States suffers from some type of mental health disorder. One of the most prevalent types of mental health disorder is depression. Characterized by symptoms that include...

acupuncture and restless leg syndrome

Chinese herbal medicine for Osteoarthritis

Chinese herbal medicine for InfERTILITY

Allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as seasonal allergies, affect as many as 60 million Americans each year. With symptoms that include itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, fatigue...

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. Some people call it degenerative joint disease or “wear and tear” arthritis. Osteoarthritis is common in weight-bearing joints — the knees, hips, feet, and spine...

The pandemic changed the modern world as we know it. Many people lost their lives, and others continue to struggle with long-term symptoms, otherwise known as Long-Haulers syndrome...

Chinese herbal medicine for Osteoporosis

Many phases occur in our life. As you transition from one to another, you may have goals or wishes that you want to happen during that period. Not everyone has children in their plans, but those...

Acupuncture & Bell's Palsy

Anxiety, like stress, can be a normal condition triggered by outward events or occurrences. However, when anxiety becomes chronic, it can be detrimental to a person’s physical and mental health. Sometimes called...

Acupuncture and TMJ

Experiencing pain in your jaw area makes even the simplest functions of everyday life challenging. Our jaws move each time we speak, eat, or yawn. These movements happen hundreds of times...

​​​Be sure to check out more informational articles about Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine and more on our EBOMS site.

The posterior chain of the human body (the back of the legs and your spine) is quintessential to almost every move we make. You are using your back if you want to bend down and pick something up ...

A common and often debilitating health condition, migraines affect an estimated 39 million Americans though many believe the number to be much higher as many of those experiencing migraines never seek out medical...

Acupuncture is an ancient practice of Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries to promote overall health, well-being, and balance. This practice of inserting thin needles into the body at certain points...

Migraines and Acupuncture

Constipation is not a topic people want to discuss, but let’s face it, everyone deals with it at some point in life. At its worst, several days can pass by without a bowel movement. The time between each significant...

Adult-onset diabetes, also known as type 2 diabetes, has skyrocketed in the past few decades and is now affecting children as well as adults. Spurred by the obesity epidemic that exists in the United States, type 2 diabetes...

One in four Americans struggles with osteoarthritis. For many, the effects are felt when they wake up in the morning and last until they go to bed at night. The pain can even impact your...

21 Herbs for covid


Every year millions of people are impacted by the Influenza Virus, or “The Flu.” For some, this is only a minor inconvenience with mild symptoms. Like other viruses, strong and healthy...

Chinese herbal medicine for Influenza

treating sciatica with acupuncture


Acupuncture and Carpal tunnel syndrome


holistic remedies can relieve your condition(s)

The human body is full of nerves. These nerves connect our brains to every function that we do. Different types of nerves help you to feel sensations and to move muscles...

Bell’s palsy is also known as idiopathic facial paralysis. It is a form of peripheral neuropathy that causes acute facial paralysis. It tends to affect one side of the face and often develops without warning. Inflammation...

When that initial feeling of heat begins to build, you know what is coming next. The feeling may only last a few minutes, but it is intense and challenging to get through....

Chinese herbal medicine for Constipation

Authentic Chinese Acupuncture